2020: year of Coronavirus, year of new opportunities


2020 will be remembered for the Coronavirus crisis. A crisis for which, as has been evidenced, we were not prepared. A crisis that has just begun and that presents an uncertain future. For some sectors, there is a more optimistic recovery, but for others, such as tourism or restaurants, the future is more uncertain.

What this crisis has made clear is that we need a change, of objectives, of methodologies, of philosophy… All companies must adapt to function optimally in this “new normal” that awaits us. Changes that will affect both the organization and the personal level.

For all this, this 2020 is presented as a year to carry out these changes. Give way to new opportunities that make us be better companies, better workers and better people:

  • Training to update knowledge
    Many workers have seen how from one day to the next they lost their job or left it on standby because of some temporary lay-offs of staff. It is time to take advantage to update our knowledge. Do that course or master’s degree that makes us better in those functions that have always resisted us or those skills where we were least prepared. Business schools like IESE are already preparing their return to face-to-face classes. Without forgetting the multiple options we have with online training.
  • Course changes
    There are sectors that this crisis will greatly affect. For them there is a very uncertain future, with an increase in unemployment above the average. For these workers it is time to consider a change of direction, think of other sectors or functions that they could perform or even carry out those projects that they have always had in mind. It is not the ideal moment, of course, but there will be no more necessary moment to launch into the adventure of undertaking.
  • Strengthen teambuilding
    In times of crisis such as the one we are experiencing, there are often tensions among workers: reduction of costs, layoffs, work overload. It is time to row all to one, but that extra sacrifice that we ask of our workers will have better results in those companies that have taken care of Teambuilding.
  • Telework and return to rural areas
    Telecommuting opens up a whole new range of options for employees. It avoids travel costs and allows living in areas further away from the offices. This allows not only to be more sustainable with the environment but to be able to live in second homes or in rural areas with much lower costs of living and a much higher quality of life than in large cities.

In short, from ISEA we encourage you to be optimistic and focus on new opportunities that are presented to us in the “new normal” in which we enter.


Photo by Pavel Anoshin on Unsplash

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