Ireland is undoubtedly one of the best countries in the world to do business. For several years now, the Emerald Isle has grown in many ways, especially economically. It is home and niche of large corporations and even the global pandemic did not affect too much. Undoubtedly, Ireland continues to experience an enviable economic boom and a stable and flourishing economy. Of course, when doing business in Ireland, it is important to know more about its business culture.
How to do business in Ireland
Business hours in Ireland are from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Saturday, although on Thursdays they can be extended until 8 or 9 pm. Office hours are from 8 or 8:30 am to 4:30 or 5 pm, with room for lunch for up to an hour and a half. It is important to know that Ireland is a country that observes its traditions and its people have great principles. This kind of mentality is carried to the business level, so it must be respected. Good manners are a must, as well as a more elegant and classic wardrobe. It is a culture that is characterized for being good at negotiating and also for taking care of its money and values.
It is important to know how to make an adequate and attractive economic proposal, while showing confidence and seriousness. The Irish are characterized by being persevering, so it is important to pay attention to the way in which their points of view are presented. Businessmen (women are not common in this field) are conservative and tenacious.
A good way to start a conversation to break the ice is to show that you have values. Certain topics that are considered controversial or that go against their principles and religion (mostly Catholic) should be avoided. Something else to avoid is making any kind of comparisons between Ireland and Great Britain.
How to start a solid business relationship in Ireland
In terms of character, the Irish are frank and open, even showing a certain familiarity. They have a sense of humor that may be hard to understand at first, but is worth showing an interest in understanding, especially when doing business. Shaking hands when introducing themselves is very important, which they will do with a certain intensity.
Family is fundamental in Irish society and modesty is held in high esteem, so superior behavior should be avoided. They tend to be more informal than the British, with a more open, generous and reciprocal approach. They do not tend to be punctual, but it is important to be punctual yourself. When there is a negotiation, everyone should be expected to participate and give their opinion. There is decision making among the team members, but it is the boss who will decide and formalize.
ISEA: a business meeting point with Ireland
There are points in common and others that are important to adapt to and be aware of when it comes to doing business in Ireland. Proper communication between countries such as Ireland and Spain is accompanied by a business culture that must be cultivated. For years now, it has been taking shape and becoming more solid between the two nations. There is a greater openness and interest in forming ties that favor economic relations.
There are also more and more startups and companies that seek to enrich themselves with the integration of more business leaders from both countries. ISEA is an association that has served as a link for business between Ireland and Spain since 1989. It carries out different events and activities that serve this purpose. It also has excellent relationships with leading business companies in both Ireland and Spain. If you would like to know more about the Irish business culture and ISEA’s projects and alliances, please contact us through our website.