Business Opportunities from Brexit a Spanish & Irish Perspective

Ireland Spain Economic Association

“Business Opportunities from Brexit a Spanish & Irish Perspective”

Thursday 01st June, 2017

Reception 12.30pm followed by Lunch 1.00pm

Conrad Hotel, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2


As a result of Brexit, Ireland and Spain find themselves on an untrodden path. In this time of uncertainty, the Ireland Spain Economic Association is pleased to announce the hosting of an event which will focus on the opportunities that may arise because of Brexit.

Our guest speaker will be Mr Joe Haslam, associate professor at the IE Business School in Madrid. He is a former president of the Spanish Irish Business Network and is also Chairman and co-founder of Hot Based in Spain for many years, Joe is highly experienced in the intricacies of trade and commerce, both from a Spanish and Irish perspective.

Joe will give his views on how he sees things developing following on from Brexit and, in particular, flagging what he believes will be the unforeseen advantages that may emerge. His presentation will be followed by a Questions & Answers session.

The moderator for the seminar will be Barry O’Dowd, Senior Vice President of IDA Ireland.

To reserve places for you and your guests please complete the attached booking form.

Best wishes,

Alvaro Lopez-Laguna

President, Ireland Spain Economic Association