Global Tax- Policy Conference March 9-11


Dear Members and Colleagues,

The Irish Tax Institute and Harvard Kennedy School will join together again to host the second Global Tax Policy Conference in Dublin Castle, Ireland from 9-11 March 2016. Titled ‘New Rules for a New Era’, the conference comes at a critical juncture in the implementation of a new global tax framework and will look at the impact of new rules on countries and companies.

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  • Pascal Saint-Amans to address opening session at the Global Tax Policy Conference
  • Over 25 high profile speakers from the US, EU, Asia and the developing world
  • International figures and policy makers to gather at Global Tax Conference
  • IMF, Treasury Departments, the OECD and the European Commission to speak
  • Multinational companies will assess the practical impact of BEPS
  • Attendees from 30 countries internationally


The conference provides a unique opportunity for individuals from every sphere of tax to discuss the evolving tax framework and get an insight into the different perspectives of professionals, academics, administrators and government officials.

The Big Conference Topics

  • Global tax-what’s new from the OECD, EU, US, Asia & Australia
  • The power of tax data – who owns it & who can use it?
  • The US tax policy agenda
  • Global perspectives from Departments of the Treasury
  • Transfer Pricing – new approaches and the transition
  • The impact of change on countries and companies


For more information please see link below:

We look forward to hearing from you and we hope that you may be able to join us in Dublin in March 2016.