The world suddenly stops and with it, the economy, which is suffering with the coronavirus crisis an unprecedented global recession from which it will cost us some time to recover.
To achieve this, we need our companies to do their best again, reactivate themselves and come back with more skills than ever. Those whose business model lives in the online world or whose processes are already 100% digitized are the ones with the most options to survive and get out of this slump as soon as possible.
Equinix, Inc., a global networking and data center company, has conducted a global survey that brings together the responses of more than 100 Irish IT managers related to the major technology trends shaping the world economy.
The results of the study show that Irish companies have already started down the path towards total digitization, a trend that is confirmed and whose need is accentuated during the global pandemic we are experiencing.
The study reflects that for 62% of Irish IT managers, the digitization of their infrastructures is a priority within the technological strategy of their companies. More than two thirds (68%) intend to move more technological functions to the cloud, while 57% of these plan to do so within the next 12 months.
In Spain, it is the large companies that logically take the lead in terms of digital transformation. Our country advances year after year in the career of digitizing its companies. In 2018 we were the country that registered the greatest progress in this area, along with Ireland (according to the DESI index), ranking number 10 in the reference ranking in the European Union, above countries such as Germany, France and Italy.
These data give us nothing but hope and confidence in our business fabric and push us to trust that, once again, it will be our employers and self-employed workers who manage to lift the economy and return to us sooner rather than later to the growth trend that we enjoyed until a few weeks ago.
Source: Irish Tech News & El País.