The Ambassador of Spain
José María Rodríguez Coso
The President of the Ireland Spain Economic Association
Ursula Tipp
are pleased to invite you to a working breakfast with
High Commissioner for MARCA ESPAÑA
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros
To discuss the current situation of the Spanish economy and the sectors that offer the greatest opportunities.
The High Commissioner for MARCA ESPAÑA (BRAND SPAIN) is appointed by the Prime Minister and his main responsibility is to coordinate all public and private efforts to promote Spain´s image abroad in the spheres of economics, culture, society, science and technology.
Mr. Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros has served as a top level official in the public sector and has also worked in the private sector, where he has served as President of companies such as Iberia, Mercedes Benz, Daimler-Chrysler and González-Byass (
The Working Breakfast will take place at the premises of Goodbody, ( Ballsbridge Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, on Wednesday the 21st of October.
The planned schedule is as follows:
- 8:00-8:30: Registration and breakfast
- 8:30-8:35: Introduction by the President of ISEA
- 8:35-8:40: Introduction by the Ambassador of Spain
- 8:40-9:00: Address by the High Commissioner
- 9:00: Q&A
If you wish to attend and to secure a place at this event, please R.S.V.P. by Thursday 8th of October to the following address: or phone Begoña Caamaño 01-6616313.
If you are unable to attend, please forward the invitation to a suitable person in your organisation and forward the details to us.